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Child Protection and Safeguarding



Designated Safeguarding Lead: Andrew Bolster,, Mobile number: 07783249547

1. Safeguarding policy statement

  1. Farset Labs is a registered charity and educational organisation. We have private studios for artists and spaces that are used for public events. This document outlines the safeguarding policy and procedures for all work undertaken with children under the age of 18, and vulnerable adults at Farset Labs, in accordance with the Children Order (Northern Ireland) (1995), the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (SVG) Act 2006 and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order (SVG(NI)) 2007 and incorporates their principles into its Child Protection Policy and Procedures.

  2. We wish to ensure that all children and young people can participate in an enjoyable and safe environment in which they can have fun, learn, and feel valued. We pioneer vibrant and creative approaches to the STEAM activities we facilitate in an inclusive and welcoming space, breaking down barriers to access.

  3. This policy applies to all members, staff, including trustees, paid staff, volunteers and sessional workers, tutors, agency staff, students or anyone working on behalf of Farset Labs. We want Farset Labs to be a safe, inviting, open, inclusive, professional place for everyone.

  4. We believe that

    • The welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount
    • All children and vulnerable adults have the equal right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence, as set out in the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child 1989
    • Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity
    • Everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
  5. This policy applies to all children, young people and vulnerable adults at Farset Labs as:

    • Audiences to our music, performance and visual arts programme
    • Performers and artists
    • Participants in our workshops
    • Participants on school / community group visits
    • Customers in our café
    • Volunteers
    • Internships and Apprenticeship placements for up to 12 months at a time
    • Venue Hire, where sole charge is the responsibility of the hirer.
    • Outreach work, which we deliver outside of the building is also be included in our policy
  6. Definitions

    • Child: A person under the age of 18
    • Vulnerable adult: A vulnerable adult is a person who is, or may be, in need of community care services because of mental disability or other disability, age or illness, and who is, or who may be, unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation (Arts Council England, Keeping Arts Safe, 2005).
    • All references to children include young people and vulnerable people.
    • Staff: Any person that is employed by, is under contract to or uses Farset Labs as a place of work, including board members and studio holders.
  7. The purpose of this policy is

    • To protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who receive Farset Labs services. This includes the children of adults who use our services
    • To provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding
    • To provide staff with support, education and guidance on procedures and behaviour towards children and vulnerable adults who engage with activities at/with Vault Artist Studio

Farset Labs role is not to investigate but to report suspected cases of abuse.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and best practice annually.

2. Code of Conduct and behaviour

  1. There are times when children, young people and vulnerable adults may be left at Farset Labs by their parents / carers to take part in workshops or activities organised by our staff. We follow strict recruitment practices to ensure skilled and experienced practitioners leading our sessions are safe and put the welfare of our participants first. We undertake AccessNI checks on all paid staff and regular volunteers. All activities involving children and vulnerable adults should be managed according to this code of conduct, with full risk assessments and risk management as standard.

  2. All staff will be inducted on appointment and made aware of their responsibility and how to respond appropriately to incidents and disclosures

  3. All staff will be trained and alerted to any changes in this Safeguarding Policy.

  4. Volunteers will be inducted on appointment and made aware of their responsibility and how to respond appropriately to incidents and disclosures

  5. Contractors will be asked to read summary sheets and sign an agreement to adhere to our safeguarding codes of conduct

  6. There will be a copy of this policy (policy or/and summary sheet) on the front desk at all times

  7. All staff will be trained to understand their individual responsibilities in relation to child protection and safeguarding.

  8. We recognise that working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare. The following code of conduct must be followed by all staff and volunteers

    • Staff should treat everyone, including all children and vulnerable adults, equally, with respect and dignity Staff should always put the physical and emotional welfare of each participant first, before achieving goals
    • Staff should not misuse their power over children Physical contact should be minimal, time limited and age appropriate Staff should not offer to transport children
    • Staff should not engage in personal communication with children, such as email or telephone or through social networking sites
    • Staff should aim to protect young people online, no staff must connect with children or young people on social media from their personal accounts. All social media activity for projects, events and exhibitions will be directed through official accounts. Create a protective and safe environment
    • Staff should work in partnership with children, young people and vulnerable adults to empower them in appropriate decision-making
    • Staff should give enthusiastic and constructive feedback, rather than negative criticism
    • Adults should avoid being left alone with a single child/vulnerable adult, and maintain professional behaviour at all times. Management arrangements should be designed to avoid this situation and all staff carry a responsibility for vigilance in this regard, other than in the case of an emergency
    • Staff should provide an atmosphere that is conducive to positive experiences for our patrons and participants
  9. There are times when Farset Labs members may bring children, young people and vulnerable adults onto the premises as their guests.

    • Under no circumstances should children, young people or vulnerable adults be left unattended in the building. Farset Labs is a place of work and may contain tools, machinery and other hazards.
    • Under no circumstances should a Farset Labs member be left alone with the children at any time, unless they are the designated supervisor agreed in advance with their parent/carer. If we are unhappy at the level of supervision, inadequate facilities or if we feel our members are being mistreated or abused, Farset Labs will reserve the right to intervene and request that the parent or carer resumes supervision.

3. Information for visiting groups

  1. Farset Labs operates a Safeguarding Policy committing it to making sure children are protected and kept safe from harm while they are with the company. Farset Labs is also committed to ensuring that the rights of children, young people and adults at risk are respected and understood by its employees, including freelance artists, and volunteers.

  2. As an organisation interested in or booked for a Farset Labs activity, the following outlines some additional information that relates specifically to Child Protection over and above practical arrangements for your visit.

  3. What we expect from you

    • Farset Labs expects that most organisations will have a formal Child Protection Policy and Procedures. If you do not, we would encourage you to seek advice about developing a policy. Farset Labs will ask for a named contact and Child Protection Officer. These might not be the same people but we would ask you to consider the time of day or the date when you visit us (i.e. at least one of these people should be there when we are).
      • We will also ask about the number of children/young people and the number of adults who will be there. It is your responsibility to provide adequate supervision for your group for the full duration of the activity. Under no circumstances should a Farset Labs member of staff be left alone with the children at any time. If we are unhappy at the level of supervision, inadequate facilities or if we feel our staff are being mistreated or abused, Farset Labs will reserve the right to halt or cancel an activity.
  4. What you can expect of us

    • You can be assured that anyone from Farset Labs who visits your organisation has committed themselves to Farset Labs’ Safeguarding Policy. They will be trained professionals who understand how to work with young people and adults at risk and they will show you and your children/adults the respect you deserve. They will also have received our guidelines in recognising signs of abuse, reporting allegations and concerns and receiving disclosures. They will have also undergone an Enhanced Disclosure check by Access NI.

If at any point, you have a concern about the behaviour of one of our volunteers, contact Farset Labs’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, listed at the top of this document..

4. Procedures

  1. Rights and confidentiality

    • If a complaint or allegation is made against a member of staff, he or she should be made aware of his or her rights under both employment law and internal disciplinary procedures. This is the responsibility of the officer who is responsible for personnel in the organisation.
    • No matter how the they feel about the accusation, both the alleged abuser and the person who is thought to have been abused have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998. Any possible criminal investigation could be compromised through inappropriate information being released.
    • In criminal law, the Crown or other prosecuting authority has to prove guilt and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
  2. Written permission from a parent or person with legal parental responsibility must be given for a child to do the following:

    • Use of social media at Farset Labs, to keep people safe online. Consent will be required from next of kin if under 16
    • Be photographed or filmed if under 16
    • Take part in a project / activity (if under 16, unless living away from home in foster / institution care or with other legal guardian). This is to ensure that Farset Labs are safeguarding our participants whilst enabling them to prepare for independence in adulthood.
  3. Concerns

    Farset Labs requires the next of kin / responsible adult contact details for all children, young people and vulnerable adults taking part in activities at Farset Labs.

  4. Reporting procedure for alleged abuse

    • If staff members are concerned about the care or welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult, they should alert the responsible adult

      • Record what has been said or noticed and sign and date it. Give this to the Designated Safeguarding Lead
      • Do not disclose this information to anyone else
    • If the responsible adult is the concern and a young person is immediately at risk, dial 999 and ask for the police. Report incident to the designated Safeguarding Lead listed at the top of this document.

    • A Health and Safety Executive NI (HSENI) incident log form should be completed immediately. These are located behind reception in the ‘How to Folder’. Deliver form in a sealed envelope to the designated Safeguarding Lead listed at the top of this document.

    • If there is an out of hours emergency, dial 999 and ask for the police if/when an incident/ disclosure occurs If staff cannot report the concerns to the DSL, they must still take action and report the concerns to the designated Safeguarding Lead listed at the top of this document..
  5. Accidents and injuries If a child, young person or vulnerable adult is injured while at Farset Labs, or arrives at Farset Labs with an injury:

    • A trained first aider should assess the situation, alert the key worker / responsible adult with that young person, and administer first aid if required.
    • If the incident is serious and medical attention is required, call an ambulance.
    • Complete a HSENI Incident Form, located behind reception at Farset Labs in the How to Folder.
    • Two copies of the form must be made, both sent to the designated Safeguarding Lead listed at the top of this document..
  6. Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

    • The DSL is the first point of contact for any concerns about a child
    • The DSL will gather information
    • The DSL will provide feedback.
  7. We recognise that any procedure is only as effective as the ability and skill of those who operate it. Farset Labs will liaise with partners prior to a project, which involves children and young people taking place. Partners should recognise that our staff, tutors, freelancers and volunteers are not experts in the field of child abuse and that it is Farset Labs duty is to report suspected cases of abuse, NOT to investigate cases.